The American Wildlife Refuge
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Rehab Education Through Wake Technical Community College
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Current Education Birds
KlikKlak, The Barred Owl
Snoopy, The Black Vulture
Speedy, The Eastern Screech Owl
Education Shows
Ed show Run like madd 2016
Ed show Falls lake fishing 2016
Snoopy at Eastern regional library
Ed show capitol 2015 Katherine and blinky
Ed show capitol 2015 Anitra and adonis
Blinky, Archer, Snoopy, & Klik Klak WBU 2015
Blinky, Speedy, Klik Klak at WBU cary 2015
Steve and Adonis Barn Owl at library (Photo By James T Allen)
Zebulon Library 2013 Blinky (Photo By James T Allen)
Zebulon Library 2013 Scowl (Photo By James T Allen)
Zebulon Library 2013 Scowl (Photo By James T Allen)
Zebulon Library 2013 Hisss (Photo By James T Allen)
Anitra & Furbee (Photo by Michael Byers)
Stage at Museum of Art(Photo by Michael Byers)
Beanca Dan&Freya (Photo by Michael Byers)
Past Education Birds
Adonis, The Barn Owl
Archer, The Eastern Screech Owl
Beanca, The Eagle
Blinky, The Western Screech Owl
Buckshot, The Great Horned Owl
Buddy, The Kestrel
Chaps, The Ferruginous Hawk
Dashiell, The Prairie Falcon
Dewey, The Great Horned Owl
Enigma The Red Shouldered Hawk
Fireball, The Eastern Screech Owl
Forest, The Barred Owl
Freya, The Red Tail Hawk
Hiss, The Great Horned Owl
Houdini The Red Tail Hawk
John Barkas With Beanca The Eagle
Papago, The Burrowing Owl
Scowl, The Barred Owl
Tiny Tim, The Peregrine Falcon
Virginia, The Great Horned Owl
Adonis, The Barn Owl
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